One of the most fun things about watching a Disney Pixar movie is all the Easter Eggs they include. The callbacks and hints of previous movies, shorts, and upcoming movies are really fun to hunt for. Pixar Luca is full of fun Easter Eggs and we spent a whole extra watch through the movie hunting for easter eggs just to put together this post.
All the Pixar Luca Easter Eggs You May Have Missed
We’ve found more than 60 Easter eggs in Pixar’s Luca.
The name of the boat is “Gelsomina,” which refers to the 1954 song “Gelsomina” from Fredrico Fellini’s La Strada. La Strada tells the story of Gelsomina, a simple-minded young woman bought from her mother by Zampanò, a brutish strongman who takes her with him on the road. Director Enrico Casarosa’s discussed in our interview that one of his influences for Luca was Fellini and he included nods to La Strada in the film.
Fellini has called La Strada “a complete catalogue of my entire mythological world, a dangerous representation of my identity that was undertaken with no precedent whatsoever.”
The Victrola on the boat is reminiscent of the one in the Antique Store in Toy Story 4 that plays a record from Chalupa Records (from Coco).
Hermit Crabs from Pixar Short “Piper”
The crabs that the sea monster is feeding as Luca swims by look a lot like the hermit crab in the Pixar Short “Piper.” Luca’s last name, Paguro, is also the Italian word for a hermit crab.
Blenny and Baby Dory
The blue, big-eyed fish remind me of the styling of the fish in Finding Nemo (Blenny) and Finding Dory (Baby Dory).
Tick Tock Alarm Clock
The alarm clock that falls from the boat that Luca finds on the seafloor looks just like the one that Tick Tock the Crocodile swallows in the animated classic Peter Pan (1953).
Hiding from the humans
When Luca is hiding from the fishing boat it looks very much the same way that Ariel (The Little Mermaid) does when she is scouring the ocean floor for thing-a-ma-bobs. His little grotto-esque hide-a-way is also similar.
Diver Helmet
The diver helmet that Alberto uses is the same as the one in the fish tank in Finding Nemo (2003). The helmet and suit are also very Jules Verne-esque a la 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954).
Alberto’s last name, Scorfano, is the Italian word for redfish. When he gets wet, he turns into a fish of sorts. Could this be a nod to the next Pixar movie, Turning Red, currently set to premiere on March 11, 2022?
Dilapidated Tower
The dilapidated tower Alberto has made his home in looks much like what I imagine Rapunzel’s Tower would look like had it been left unattended for quite some time. The height, the basic layout, and structure. We don’t actually know where the Kingdom of Corona is located, but the name Corona is the word for “crown” in several languages including Italian.
Alberto’s Grotto?
Alberto’s home looks a bit like a land version of Ariel’s Grotto and it’s here he puts all of his collected treasure. The sardine can on the table on left is a nod to The Rescuers Down Under (1990)—Miss Bianca and Bernard ride in a sardine can strapped to the back of Wilbur.
On the table to the right, there’s a typewriter. A nod to Walt Disney himself, perhaps? A nod to Jungle Cruise perhaps? There’s an explorer’s typewriter like this one on the desk in the room as you walk through the queue at Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise attraction.
Another possibility: Flora and Ulysses (2021), where Flora’s mom is a novelist? Anton the Ego from Ratatouille (2007) (I can’t see the back so I don’t know if it looks like a skull)?
Thirsty Bird
On the floor to the left of the table with the typewriter is a blue-green glass head that is decorated to look like a bird. I believe this is a nod to the Drinking Bird, which is also a nod to both the now-retired Great Movie Ride and the movie Alien (1979). As you went through the Great Movie Ride, in the Alien scene, there were 3 scientists in suits, and the one on the end was holding a Drinking Bird. In the opening of the original Alien movie, as they pan through the Nostromo in the opening montage, the audience sees two Drinking Birds on a table.
The colander on the table is seen later in the movie in Massimo’s kitchen. The colander could be a reference to so many things, including Toy Story 4 when Bullseye is seen at the end of the “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” sequence being carried away by Bonnie in a colander along with the other toys.
That’s Amoré
On the floor on the left is a lute and behind it an accordion. They belong to Lady and the Tramp‘s Tony and Joe, supporting characters in Disney’s 1955 animated feature film. The pair of Italian culinary artists that run Tony’s are longtime friends of the Tramp, whom they affectionately refer to as “Butch.”
Carl’s Hat
On the hammock in Alberto’s home is the hat Carl Fredrickson wears to the courthouse in Up! (2009)
Vespa Poster
The elusive Vespa, Alberto’s dream vehicle, is on a poster on a wall in his home. This poster is a bit of an Easter egg on its own. We first see the now-red Vespa in a trash heap in Wall-E (2008), then Skinner’s Vespa in Ratatouille (2007), and we see a mint-colored one in Soul (2020) that almost runs Joe Gardner over not long before he falls down the manhole.
Planter Boot
Behind the lute is the boot that Wall-E uses as a planter, Wall-E (2008).
Hector’s Glass
The glass on the floor behind Luca is the same style of glass that Hector uses to leave the shot for his departed friend in Coco (2017).
Behind the glass on the floor are two toasters as a nod to The Brave Little Toaster series (1987+).
There are Dinglehoppers everywhere, like in one of the toasters mentioned above. More nods to the other adventure of shape-shifting Disney animations.
Hidden Mickey
There’s a Hidden Mickey in the clouds as Alberto and Luca dream of riding their Vespa.
Headlight fish
In Luca, it’s not an Anglerfish, but it is in Finding Nemo. Uncle Ugo kind of sneaks up behind the characters as they are talking to and startles them the same way. While the one in Luca isn’t an Anglerfish exactly, he’s clearly inspired by one.
The name of the boat is Elena. Elena is Miguel’s Abuelita’s name in Coco
Cars Cones
The buoys are shaped like Cozy Cone cones in Cars.
Pirates of Portorosso
Luca and Alberto use an old boat from the bottom of the ocean to sneak onto land past a fisherman without being seen. This is similar to the way that Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner do in Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl (2003).
Portorosso nod to Porco Rosso
Porco Rosso (1992) is a Japanese animated film by Studio Ghibli. Director Enrico Casarosa said that in addition to Fellini, Hayao Miyazaki was another one of his main influences. Miyazaki, Ghibli co-founder is known for his films about children exploring magical worlds. Even though Disney fans likely get The Little Mermaid (1989) vibes from Luca, Studio Ghibli fans are more likely to get Ponyo (2008) vibes.
Cars Luigi
There is a car that appears to look like Luigi from the Cars franchise. It’s not the same color as Luigi, but we all know Ramone can work some magic.
Pizza Planet Truck
We knew it would be here somewhere because been in every Pixar movie since its first appearance! This version of the Pizza Planet Truck has been given an authentic Italian makeover as a Piaggio Ape parked on the street in Portorosso.
The Piaggio Ape is a 3-wheeled light commercial vehicle, manufactured and marketed by Piaggio, an adaption of their Vespa scooter—in continuous production since its 1948 introduction. The Piaggio Ape is offered in several configurations to serve a variety of functions.
Trattoria da Marina
The Trattoria da Marina in town is a nod to the Trattoria al Forno at Disney’s BoardWalk Villas at the Walt Disney World.
Jules Verne Novel
On the wall behind the columns on the left, there is an ad for Jules (Giulio) Verne’s novel “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.”
Director Cameo
Enrico Casarosa has one of his two cameos in this scene. He’s the voice of a card player who says “Scopa!” His other cameo in the film is as the loud-mouthed fisherman from whom Luca and Alberto learn the phrase “What’s wrong with you, Stupido!”
Blue Umbrella
When the boys bump into the women in front of the gelato store, the one woman is carrying a blue umbrella on her arm. The umbrella is from the Pixar Short “The Blue Umbrella.”
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Movie Poster
Behind the fountain, there is a theatrical poster for Walt Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, which opened in December 1954.
Roman Holiday
To the left, there is also a poster for the 1953 Gregory Peck/Audrey Hepburn classic Roman Holiday (Vacanze Romance) in which a Vespa is a predominant feature.
Make up your minds already
The irony that the town loves movies about sea monsters yet hates them isn’t lost on me. They even have a poster for a fake movie titled Attaco del Mostro Marino. People love to hate what they don’t understand.
Transistor Radio
The transistor radio on Giulia’s Vespa could be a nod to the political satire Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 Dr. Strangelove. The transistor radio in that film was the catalyst for Group Captain Lionel Mandrake’s (Peter Sellers) confrontation with the maniacal General Jack Ripper (Sterling Hayden). It was because of the transistor radio that Mandrake knew what was thought to be a small water fluoridation problem was actually Ripper’s intent to instigate global warfare based on conspiracy theories.
There’s a plaque on the wall near the top of the door that has Hank the octopus from Finding Dory (2016).
Gray Cat
The gray cat on the dock (far left, bottom corner) looks very similar to the one in Toy Story 4.
Anna Maria
There’s a boat in the marina named “Anna Maria,” possibly a nod to the Anna Maria Verdugo character in the “Zorro” (1957) TV series. Jolene Brand starred in 9 episodes of Season 2 of the 78 episodes and 4 1-hour long specials aired on the Walt Disney anthology series October 30, 1960–April 2, 1961.
POR 5220
The license plate on the Vespa is “POR 5220.” 5220 backward is 0225 or 02/25 or February 25, which was the date of the first teaser trailer drop for Pixar Luca.
La Strada Poster
Remember the boat Gelsomina from the beginning of the movie? The poster for the movie the name is in reference to (La Strada) is on the side of the building as Giulia bikes past.
Octopus/Squid Door Handles
I can’t quite tell if it’s an octopus (Hank) or a squid) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? Not sure. Does it matter? There are references to both all over this movie.
Biscotti Tins, Colanders, and Glasses
On the shelf in Massimo’s kitchen, there is a Biscotti tin, just like the one in the opening boating montage next to the Victrola. There’s also another colander on the wall here that looks like the one in Antonio’s home. The glass on the table looks like the glass that Hector uses in Coco, too, of which there is one in the pseudo-grotto.
Giulia’s Books Have So Many Eggs
Giulia has a collection of books in her room with some beautiful illustrations of mechanical adventures, among other things. In the books, there is one that has Leonardo Da Vinci’s flying machine in it and there is also a copy of “Le Avventure di Pinocchio” by Carlo Collodi which is what Pinocchio (1940) is based on.
When Luca was imagining they are flying, he and Giulia are using Leonardo Da Vinci’s flying machine. He also sees the villains and Pinocchio walking under a bridge. In Pinocchio, he is repeatedly tricked by a duo of con artists: a cat who pretends to be blind, and a fox who pretends to be lame. The cat—both on the book’s cover and in Luca’s dreams that brings the book to life—the cat suspiciously resembles the Marcovaldo’s family cat, Machiavelli. Yes, Machiavelli the famous Italian philosopher.
Is Robin Hood Turning Red?
I believe this Pinocchio nod may also be a nod to the 1973 animated Robin Hood. A red fox dressed like the Robin Hood character who is a red fox? Check.
This could also be a nod to the upcoming Turning Red film. While the protagonist, Mei Lee, in Turning Red shape-shifts into a red panda, not a red fox, the roly-poly characterization has some distinct similarities.
Donald Duck
Giulia has a stuffed Donald Duck on her bedroom floor. Donald was created in 1934, so it makes sense that he might be the Disney character she’d have a toy of in the 1960s.
Tin Toy
On Giulia’s bookshelf is Tin Toy (1998) puppet.
As Luca hops on his bike to head up the hill for the bike portion of the race, the sign for Gustosa’s can be seen clearly on the left. You can see this restaurant in the town square in many of the shots, but this is a nice clear shot of the sign. Gustosa is likely a nod to Gusteau’s from Ratatouille (2007).
The colander being used as a helmet (as it also was earlier in the movie), feels like a nod to Rick Moranis’ character Louis Tully in the Ghostbusters movies. Or that one time Ross was Spudnik for Halloween on “Friends.”
Luxo Ball
As the kids are biking up the hill during the race for the Portorosso Cup, the Luxo Ball (affectionately known as the Pixar Ball) can be spotted sitting on a balcony on the right side of the frame.
The Luxo Ball first appeared in the “Luxo, Jr.” short as a prop for Luxo, Jr. Since then it’s made numerous cameos in other Pixar films, most prominently in the Toy Story franchise.
All Aboard
The train car Giulia gets on is “1200PA.” That’s an abbreviation for the Pixar Campus’ street address, 1200 Park Avenue.
The train ticket Alberto hands to Luca has an A113 on it. This number is in every Disney Animation and Disney Pixar movie as a nod to the CalArts classroom where many of the animators and filmmakers have attended classes. Some of these well-known filmmakers include John Lasseter, Tim Burton, and Brad Bird.
Train 94608
The train number Luca and Giulia get on is 94608, which is the zip code for Emeryville, CA, where the Pixar Campus is located.
John Ratzenberger?
Much like A113 and the Pizza Planet Truck since their introductions, John Ratzenberger has had a voice part in every Pixar movie.
As was the case with Soul, Ratzenberger hasn’t been an easy egg to find. Could Luca be the first film without his voice? We’ll update this if we find him. Did you find him? Let us know in the comments below
Spaghetti Kittens
There is a handful of Easter Eggs in the Credits. There’s a cute Easter Egg with Machiavelli’s kittens that is a nod to The Lady and the Tramp.
Minnie Mouse
Giulia is showing the Minnie Mouse she drew.
Alberto and Massimo
Alberto and Massimo are posing next to the Piaggo Ape for the new business endeavor. Looks like Massimo got a restaurant and Alberto got a Vespa of sorts.
Alberto Makes a Friend
Alberto is seen with a new friend…who looks a lot like a young Edna Mode.
Is it a nod to their underwater home since there are fish instead of snowflakes? Or is this a nod to a film such as something like The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006) where the opening credits Walt Disney castle logo is encapsulated in a snow globe that Santa then shakes causing snow to go all over?
About Disney and Pixar’s LUCA
Disney and Pixar’s original feature film Luca is a coming-of-age story about one young boy’s experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta, and endless scooter rides. Luca shares these adventures with his newfound best friend, but all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held secret: they are sea monsters from another world just below the water’s surface.
Pixar Luca is now streaming on Disney+.
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Did you find any Pixar Luca Easter Eggs we missed? What was your favorite Easter Egg? Leave us a comment below!
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[…] use of Easter eggs and cameos throughout this movie is nothing short of brilliant. From former “Rent” cast members […]