Spider-Man: No Way Home was a beautiful wrap-up to the existing group of stories, with nods and callbacks to previous movies in the franchise. We’ve curated a list of the Best Quotes from Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Spider-Man from Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
Spider-Man: No Way Home Best Quotes
People looked up to this boy and called him a hero. Well, I tell you what I call him: Public Enemy Number One! –J. Jonah Jameson
That’s right folks, Spider-Man is Peter Parker! –J. Jonah Jameson
Listen, I did not kill Mysterio. The drones did. –Peter Parker
Ever since I got bit by that spider, I’ve only had one week where my life has felt normal. That was when you found out. –Peter Parker
Here’s a good one. Some suggest that Parker’s powers include the male spider’s ability to hypnotize females. –MJ
Stop, come on… –Peter Parker
Yes, my Spider Lord. –MJ
Can we just stay up here all day? It’s just so crazy down there. –Peter Parker
Does any part of you feel relieved about all this? Now that everyone knows you don’t have to hide or lie to people. –MJ
For the record, I never wanted to lie to you. But how do you tell someone you’re Spider-Man? –Peter Parker
Now everybody knows. –Peter Parker
I’ve just been thinking about how to fix all of this. –Peter Parker
We cannot go to my house. My dad will kill you! –MJ
I thought your dad liked me! –Peter Parker
Not anymore! –MJ
AKA the Web-Headed War Murderer. –J. Jonah Jameson
Don’t say anything without a lawyer! –MJ and May
I would like my words stricken from the record. –Ned
Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock in The Defenders. Jessica Miglio/Netflix
How did you just do that? –Peter Parker
I’m a really good lawyer. –Matt Murdock
Welcome to the Spiritual Oasis. Do you like Donkey Kong Jr.? –Happy Hogan
I am the most famous person in the entire world. And I am still broke. –Peter Parker
Tom Holland stars as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Benedict Cumberbatch stars as Doctor Strange in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
So Peter, to what do I owe the pleasure? –Doctor Strange
I’m sorry to bother you, sir. –Peter Parker
Please, we saved half the universe together. I think we’re past you calling me ‘Sir.’ – Doctor Strange
Ok. Stephen. –Peter Parker
That feels weird, but I’ll allow it. –Doctor Strange
When Mysterio revealed my identity, my entire life got screwed up. –Peter Parker
Strange! Don’t cast that spell! It’s too dangerous. –Wong
Can’t some people still know? –Peter Parker
Stop talking! –Doctor Strange
What just happened? –Peter Parker
We tampered with the stability of space and time. –Doctor Strange
The problem is you, trying to live two different lives. –Doctor Strange
Be careful what you wish for Parker. –Doctor Strange
New school, new town. I can Spider-Man there. I mean, they have crime in Boston, right? –Peter Parker
Yes, they do. –MJ
Yeah, wicked crime. –Ned
When you botched that spell, and you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, we started getting some visitors from every universe. –Doctor Strange
Doc Ock (Alfred Molina) and Spider-Man battle it out in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
Hello, Peter. –Doc Ock
You’re not Peter Parker. –Doc Ock
I’m sorry, what was your name again? – Peter Parker
Dr. Otto Octavious. –Doc Ock
Wait, no seriously, what’s your actual name? –Peter Parker
Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) looks on at Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
There are others out there. We need to send them back. –Doctor Strange
Get on your phones, scour the internet, and Scooby-Doo this sh!t. –Doctor Strange
You’re telling us what to do even though all of this is kinda your mess? I know a couple of magic words myself, starting with the word ‘Please.’ –MJ
Please. Scooby-Doo this sh!t. –Doctor Strange
You’re flying out into the darkness to fight ghosts. –Doc Ock
What do you mean? –Peter Parker
They all die fighting Spider-Man. It’s their fate. –Doctor Strange
I’m sorry, kid. –Doctor Strange
Yeah, me too. –Peter Parker
Don’t! –Doctor Strange
Look, there has to be another way. –Spider-Man
There isn’t! –Doctor Strange
They’re a danger to our Universe. –Doctor Strange
Electro from Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
You’re not going to take this away from me. –Electro
Green Goblin from Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
Peter, you’re struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose. –Green Goblin
This is all my fault. I can’t save everyone. –Peter Parker
What’s happening? –Peter Parker
Tom Holland, Zendaya and Jacob Batalon in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
I can’t believe I’m in the Sanctum Sanctorum. –Ned
Neither can I. –Doctor Strange
So how did you know you were made of magic? Because my nana says we have it in our family and sometimes I get these tinglings in my hands. –Ned
You should talk to your physician. –Doctor Strange
You don’t have to apologize. You got us a second shot at MIT. –MJ
He screwed up the spells trying to get you into college. –Doctor Strange
MJ (Zendaya) and Spider-Man jump off the bridge in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
Dude. –Peter
Dude! –Ned
Dude!! –Peter
Dude!!! –Ned
Dude! –Peter
Dude! –Ned
Dude!!! –MJ
This is going to be us. – Ned
Yes. Minus the Frisbee and the smiling. –MJ
This is what we do. We help people. –Aunt May
Did you have a makeover? –The Lizard
The Dinosaur can talk! –Ned
Lizard. –MJ
Right. –Ned
God, I love it here. –Electro
I was whooping Spider-Man’s @ss. He’ll tell you. –Electro
This is why I never had kids. –Doctor Strange
I myself don’t want to be killed, especially by a guy dressed like Dungeons and Dragons. –Electro
D@mn. Gotta be careful where you fall. –Electro
You have a gift. A Power. With great power there must also come great responsibility. –Aunt May
Dude, I’ve got Doctor Strange magic! –Ned
Great, it’s just some random guy. –Ned
I’m a nice guy! –Amazing Spider-Man
I lost Gwen. She was my MJ. I couldn’t save her. –Amazing Spider-Man
Please don’t tell me you know what I’m going through. –Peter Parker
So are you going into battle dressed as a cool youth pastor or do you have a suit? –Amazing Spider-Man
Tom Holland stars as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Columbia Pictures’ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.
We suck. I don’t want to brag, but I will. I was in the Avengers. –Spider-Man
What, you are in a band?! –Spider-Man 2
I love you guys. –Amazing Spider-Man
There’s gotta be a black Spider-Man out there somewhere. –Electro
You know, it’s what we do. –Spider-Man 2
They’re starting to come through. And I can’t stop them. –Doctor Strange
Check out all of our other Best Quotes Posts
Spider-Man: No Way Home is now in theatres.
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