After you’ve played the game for a while, you’ll start to realize there’s more to Pokémon Go than seen so far. One of the biggest reasons people continue to play games like Pokémon Go is because they want to get everything in the game, or “Gotta Catch ‘em all.” Games are addicting.
If that is the case with you, this page will help you accomplish just that. Below is a list of the rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go, and below that are some tips to help you find rare Pokémon monsters.
This post was originally published in Summer 2016 and most recently updated in May 2021 and may contain affiliate links.
Ultra-Rare Pokémon 2021
In 2021, the ultra-rare Pokémon discovered as the toughest to catch in Pokémon Go so far are:
- Archen
- Axew
- Chimecho
- Tirtouga
- Unown
These 5 Pokémonsters are not tied to a specific region but are extremely difficult to catch when you do encounter them.
Have you caught one? let us know in the comments below!
Rare Pokémon 2021
The following Pokémon are rare, but nowhere near as rare as the 5 above. You’re much more likely to encounter one of these in your hunting. Some of these were previously tied to specific regions but no longer are endemic to a region, though will still be easier to find in those regions.
Do you have any of these in your Podédex?
- Bagon
- Cryogonal (easier to find when it’s snowing)
- Dratini
- Durant
- Elgyem
- Emolga
- Farfetch’d (predominately Asia)
- Feebas
- Gible (can also get through a research breakthrough)
- Golett
- Heatmor
- Kangaskhan (predominately Australia)
- Karrablast
- Larvitar
- Litwick
- Mr. Mime (predominately Europe)
- Nincada
- Scrafty
- Sewaddle
- Shelmet
- Stunfisk
- Tauros
- Vanillite (easier to find when it’s snowing)
Region-Specific Rare Pokémon 2021
There are some Pokémon that are native to specific regions, and the only way to catch one is to physically be in that location. While at the moment, it is a bit challenging to travel with travel restrictions due to COVID-19, it is certainly worth thinking about where you might want to travel when you’re able to! We’ve collected a few of these on our European travels and travel to other parts of the U.S. over the past few years.
- Bouffalant (NYC and surrounding areas)
- Carnivine (Florida and South Carolina)
- Chatot (Southern Hemisphere)
- Corsola (near the equator)
- Heracross (Southern U.S. and South America )
- Klefki (predominately France, areas of Europe surrounding France)
- Maractus (Southern U.S. and South America)
- Mime Jr. (Europe)
- Pachirisu (Alaska, Canada, Russia)
- Panpour (North and South America)
- Pansage (Asia Pacific)
- Pansear (Europe, Africa, India, Middle East)
- Relicanth (New Zealand)
- Sawk (Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australasia)
- Sigilyph (Albania, Egypt, Greece, Israel)
- Throh (North America, South America, Africa)
- Torkoal (Southern Asian countries)
- Tropius (Africa, Southern Spain)
Finding Rare Pokémon
Because of the way Pokémon Go is created, there is no way to guarantee that you will actually discover a rare Pokémon that you don’t already have. However, there are some things you can do to help yourself find new Pokémon. Here are some tips to help you find and capture rare Pokémon.
What’s the best way to find rare Pokémon?
The best way to find rare Pokémon is to continue exploring places where rare Pokémon have been seen before. Use the radar available on the right side of your screen to see if there are any unrecognized creatures nearby. Those unrecognized creatures will show as an outline, meaning they have not yet been categorized in your Pokédex.
Lure Modules and Incense
Lure Modules and Incense can boost the number of Pokémon you encounter at parks and PokéStops.
Gym Battles and Raids
Gym fights and Raids are great places to get Pokémon you don’t already have because higher-level Trainers will attract higher-level Pokémon.
Pokémon Trainer Level
Also, the amount of rare Pokémon you encounter is based on your Trainer level, so level up to find better Pokémon.
Pokémon Nests
There are some places that frequently contain rare Pokémon, called nests. The locations of these nests are being shared on web pages, but there is not currently one master list of these nests and their locations.
So how many rare Pokémon do you have?
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My two rarest spawn were these: 1. when I was lvl 6 I was just going with my parents far far away, so I thought, why not use pokemon go on the freeway…. and they i see it…. a freaking Dragonite on my nearby list, I was only lvl 6 and there were no dittos yet, so I just wanted to deinstall the game. 2. I was just roaming in my city and suddenly a aerodactly spawns in front of me, 2 minutes later, a second aerodactyl spawn in front of me with a freaking shiny seel. By the way thanks for the good information I am not good at gaming but I am getting tips from gaming sites and YT to improve my skills.